
The New Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations is unavailable, but you can change that!

"Like apples of gold in settings of silver" is the beautiful image the Bible uses to describe a word well spoken. This encyclopedia is just what you need to put a finger on precisely the right words and ideas for the occasion. The comprehensive and up-to-date volume features more than 1 million words, with 20,000 quotes from over 2,500 sources. The vast majority of quotations are from Christian...

If humility is the basic ingredient of true holiness, the soil in which the graces flourish, is it not needful that from time to time we should, like David, humble our souls with fasting? Behind many of our besetting sins and personal failures, behind the many ills that infect our church fellowships and clog the channels of Christian service—the clash of personalities and temperaments, the strife, the division—lies that insidious pride of the human heart. Arthur Wallis First, let fasting be done
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